FODE gets 50% of its government subsidy

THE Flexible Open and Distance Education (FODE) has received 50 per cent of its Government subsidy for this year, principal Anthony Rayappan says.

Rayappan told The National that funding came just in time and they were using it to print and distribute resource materials.

We received 50 per cent of our subsidy. Thanks to the Government and the department, we got the funding on time. With the subsidy, we were able to print and distribute learning materials to our students.

I don’t think we will have challenges this year in distributing resource materials. Our only concern is the budget allocation we received (it) was based on last year’s enrollment.

– Anthony Rayappan

Rayappan said the number of students enrolled this year at the institution nationwide had doubled from last year.

We are in the process of collecting statistics. However, because of the communication problems, we are unable to get every body’s statistics. Enrollment has doubled in centers such as the National Capital District and Central.

Last year’s overall enrollment statistics for grades 7-12 and matriculation study program for NCD and Central centers, were 5,000. This year, the numbers is 10,000. That’s the spike we have seen.

Its the same in other provinces such as South Highlands, Western Highlands and Morobe – the enrollment has doubled.

– Rayappan

Rayappan said he would seek additional funding once he had details and statistics in place.

Looking at the spike in enrollment this year, we may need additional funding.