Notice to Teachers, Finance Companies and the Public

There are huge number of complaints from teachers about salary officers in both the National and Provincial Offices requesting inducements, charges and service fees to deal with teachers’ salary matters.

Public servants in Waigani, Teaching Service Commission and Provincial Divisions of Education are being paid on a fortnightly basis to serve teachers and clients as part of their normal employment.

Service fees, and charges amount to bribery, are corrupt in nature and must be stopped immediately.

Third party or agents who act on behalf of teachers will not be entertained as the National and Provincial Offices. Teachers must enquire on any salary matters in person.

At the same time any Finance Company involved in paying inducements in cash or kind to any salary officer will be terminated and referred to the Fraud Squad.

A registration of all applicants for deductions and other related matters will be kept and attended to on a first come first serve basis and upon our capacity to serve you.

Any teacher who is asked by any public servant to pay an inducements, charges and service fees must report this to the First Assistant Secretary – Finance Services on mobile phone number: 7911 6261 or email: