KBC suffers K200, 000 in damages

The damaged male dormitory facilities at the Kokopo Business College (KBC) in East New Britain (ENB) would need K200, 000 to fix, according to Principal John Karis.

Mr Karis told Post Courier yesterday that the damage started four weeks ago. Last Friday saw massive destruction by many of those self-sponsored students waiting tickets to fly home.

Students set fires on bunker beds, destroyed water taps and sinks, removed toilet bowls, damaged windows and other school properties at the male dormitory area.

Mr Karis

He said on top of the vandalism caused, the students owed the college K900, 000 in unpaid fees.

Because of the outstanding school fees and we are deferring the graduation to next year March.


In another unconfirmed report posted on Facebook by an eyewitness late last month, one of the boy’s dormitory at Muaina Secondary School in Chimbu was set on fire.

It was alleged that the grade 12 students deliberately started the fire after the examination ended.

Attempts to get comments from police and the head teacher failed.

Also reported in the Post Courier yesterday, at Salamua High School in Morobe, some grade 9 drunken students set two dormitories on fire. District Education Manager Sam Geseng described the burning of the dormitories as a huge loss to the high school and the district.

Education Secretary Dr Uke Kombra told Post Courier that a statement from the minister on these issues would be released soon.