2022 SMG and UOS Master of Urban Administration and Planning Scholarship

The Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) would like to extend an invitation from the International School of Urban Sciences University of Seoul for the Master of Urban Administration and Planning (MUAP) Scholarship from August 2022 – August 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea to public officials.

The Masters Scholarship Program is run by the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) and the University of Seoul (UOS). It aims to foster urban administration and planning capabilities for civil servants or professionals working in the public sector.

The requirements and details of the program can be found in the brochure (see below) or the ISUS website https://isus.uos.ac.kr

Should there be any queries, kindly contact the Program Manager, Mr Gumin Jung, via email muape@office.uos.ac.kr or via telephone (+82) 2 6490 5197.

The deadline for applications is April 14, 2022 (Korean Standard Time) and successful applicants are expected to travel to Korea on August 2, 2022.

Authorized by
Dr. Francis Hualupmomi, PhD
Acting Secretary