NICTA Girls in ICT Tertiary Scholarship 2022

The National Information and Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) takes this opportunity to announce the successful applicants for the ‘Girls in ICT Tertiary Scholarship Program 2022‘. From all the applicants received and assessed after the deadline of 31st January 2022, the following met all the requirements and earned themselves a scholarship.

Congratulations to;

  1. Miss Courtney PARPA – Bachelor of Computer Science, PNG University of Technology
  2. Miss Martina TEKO – Bachelor of Business in IT, PNG University of Technology
  3. Miss Fiona LEPA – Bachelor of Business in IT, PNG University of Technology
  4. Miss Cynthia MORGAN – Science Foundation, University of Papua New Guinea

These girls will be financially supported by the Scholarship for the duration of their studies subject to certain conditions.

NICTA would also extend its sincere gratitude to others that applied and though were unsuccessful, are encouraged to keep pursuing careers in the exciting field of ICT.

We look forward to receiving more applications in our next application round.

Authorized by
Mr Kila Gulo-Vui
Chief Executive Officer