College looks to expand space

The Caritas Business College (CBC) will look into expanding its classroom space with funds raised from a recent annual cultural show held on Saturday at the school in Port Moresby.

The cultural show coordinator, Esther Mwayemwana, said they needed more room due to the increasing number of students since the college was formed last year.

Our recently established business college caters for both males and females and the numbers that have come in to register have increased so much.

Through the social science department and the Parent’s and Teacher’s Association, this annual event was organised to fundraise for a new classroom building for the college.

Esther Mwayemwana

Mwayemwana said the show aimed to teach confidence and competitiveness to students to help them prepare for the workforce.

Our country has a lot of diverse cultures and we intend to showcase them during the show but more so to give our students a feel of competitiveness and confidence through their performances and stage presentations.


Mwayemwana said the show intended to fight for cultural practices that are being misinterpreted with the Western Culture.

We hope that this kind of celebrations will encourage the native culture that each of us have and we are not misled into believing our tapa, grass skirt or garamut is being replaced by modernised fashion trends and styles.

Esther Mwayemwana

The show saw 22 singsing groups from different provinces performing diverse singing and dancing.

The Western group stole the show with their Kiwai dance as representative Claudia Rose Maurico was crowned Miss Tumbuna.