UNRE Oro to have police on campus

Classes at the University of Natural Resources and Environment (UNRE) Oro campus will resume with police on the ground to give security, a senior officer says.

Northen police commander Chief Insp Ewai Segi said the provincial government and university administration had decided on this action following an attack on the students and school property.

UNRE incident was addressed by the provincial government and the UNRE director while I was away.


Segi said there would be deliberations on the level of security required as semester progressed.

According to reports from Popondetta, a robbery took place at the UNRE campus last month where several female students where held up by a group of armed men who broke into their dormitory and stole valuables.

A female student was stabbed and others were injured.

Meanwhile, Chief Insp Segi said there have been reports of road blocks along the Kokoda highway by disgruntled supporters of losing candidates plus home-brew related incidents.