School inspectors have been urged to rate teachers carefully in their assessment which will determine their increment and promotion.
In his keynote address at the national joint ratings conference, Education Minister Jimmy Uguro said school inspectors’ job was to certify that teachers were present to ensure students’ learning was effective.
This one-week conference is for the inspectors to rate those teachers who have performed in their schools that will determine whether to promote and increment their pay or demote them.
Education Minister, Jimmy Uguro
Uguro said inspection rating should be assessed according to set guidelines.
Inspectors need to assess their skills in teaching, the ability to comprehend the context in the learning materials and the transfer of knowledge and skills to students as per guideline given to grade their reports.
Uguro urged school inspectors against nepotism and to avoid conflict of interest if their relative was being rated while the rating guideline should include added criteria for other categories in terms of teachers’ skills outside the classroom.
In order to produce more quality learning, inspectors also need to rate the teachers’ management skills in administration, leadership and financial management within the school.
Minister Uguro
Additionally, Uguro said, this was the first time the Government had paid school fees before the academic year started and now nearing completion.
The total subsidies of fees paid is K632 million in total from elementary to grade 12, the Government also paid K160 million for project fees, bringing it to a total of K792 million in 2022 alone.
Education Minister Jimmy Uguro