Study smart, says top STEM student

A student says the secret to getting good grades is to study smart and to know your study habit and which type of studying is best for you.

Jeremiah Pini, pioneer Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program dux for Port Moresby School of Excellence said this during the 27th curriculum graduation and 1st Stem program graduation at the Port Moresby School of Excellence last Thursday.

Each of us have different ways of studying and there’s so many ways of studying but it’s how you study that makes a difference, for me I like to study smart and not hard.

The most important thing that I encourage all students in PNG to do, is to find your study habit and use that study habit committedly, as it has really worked for me.

Jeremiah Pini

Pini said for students who want something that would challenge their thinking and studying capacity, they should take the Stem program.

If they want to push the boundaries and test their limits. It is very hectic, but don’t lose hope or feel down, just push through and put God first as he will give you the guidance and peace you need.

It was very tiring, going through the STEM program, as many times I felt like just giving up. But there was a thought that ran across my mind, my goals that was driving me through.

Some nights I couldn’t sleep peacefully knowing that I had unfinished work remaining.

Compared to the normal curriculum there’s a lot of content in Stem which is very good and would expand students learning capacity.


Education secretary Uke Kombra said STEM graduates will receive two certificates, a diploma in higher education Stem program certificate and the higher secondary curriculum certificate.

The Education Department is negotiating with tertiary institutions to make available space for the Stem program graduates.