Work on selecting Grade 12 students and paying the salaries of teachers will go ahead despite the closure of the Education Department offices in Fincorp Haus, says Education Minister Jimmy Uguro.
Uguro said the department had “alternative” plans to address the situation.
Relocating to our temporary office at the PNG Education Institute (PNGEI) to ensure all issues are being addressed is our main priority at this stage.
Mr Uguro told The National
Fincorp Haus was closed by the landlord Grand Columbia on Monday because of a K39 million rental arrears.
Uguro said the matter would be resolved soon.
We are confident that the Government will address this long outstanding rental issue shortly.
The departments of finance and treasury are sorting out the issue.
Meanwhile, the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) has urged the Government to address the matter.
TSC chairman Samson Wangihomie told The National that the lockout could result in delays in fixing teacher-related matters before the school year ended.
Fincorp Haus houses the department, TSC and the National Capital District education division.