Police recruits training to go paperless

The police intakes this year will be the pioneers when they go paperless for their training, says a senior officer.

Everything will be on screen, no more writing on white or blackboards and we have already installed Huawei Idea Hub Interactive touch screens in all classrooms where all instructors will be teaching through these screens.

Joe Bukikun, OIC Bomana National Centre of Excellence, Information and Communication Technology

All students instructions will be connected to the computers where they can access them.

Mr Bukikun

PNG DataCo Limited has installed fiber optic internet service speeds up to 5G, which is the fastest in the country, and that will be used for training.

The interactive digital screens are designed in a way where teachers can write on it, type, and Zoom meetings are set.

An instructor can switch on his screen and teach all seven classrooms from where he is stationed and everyone can access it through their screens respectively.

If an instructor is sick and absent, one teacher can cover everything just by using one screen and everyone in their classroom can access through their screens in real time.

We have done a short training with instructors on how to use them.

We taught two classes of 100 instructors at the same time using the screens in preparation before the students arrived.


He said instructors must be ready before they go into the transition period and it is always good to teach trainers before they stand in front of a class to teach.

Bukikun said computer laboratories will be used for search activities.

Three more Huawei Idea Hub Interactive 85-inch touch screens will be sent to Lae in Morobe, Kokopo in East New Britain and Mt Hagen in Western Highlands for training and other work.