Higher education sector to benefit from relationship with Indonesia

The higher education sectors from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia are joining up for mutual interest in teaching, learning, research and innovation.

Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science, Technology and Sports, Don Polye, speaking during Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s visit yesterday, said the purpose of the partnership was to advocate the importance of higher education in bettering the lives of people in both countries.

Through this partnership, PNG higher education sector and Indonesian higher education sector, we will have the opportunity to explore alignment of higher education regulatory systems between both countries and this will lead to mutual recognition of qualification to enable more international collaboration and mobility.

Don Polye

In terms of development context, Polye said the partnership would also focus on supporting national system reform agendas, sharing expertise in areas such as good governance, elevation of academic programs leading to recognition by both countries, exchanging of students and professors and developing more effective, inclusive higher education system in both countries.

He said the partnership would encourage study visits and networking events that supported dialogue and knowledge-sharing on priority issues and themes among higher education leaders, policymakers and practitioners in both countries.