SDU team visit Schools of Excellence

SDU Assistant Vice-President for International Affairs, Jon Stauff and a team of professors visited PNG's Schools of Excellence.
Jon Stauff

Professors from the South Dakota State University (SDU) in the United State (US) had a week-long tour, visiting the country’s four National Schools of Excellence last week.

According to the SDU’s staff, they were able to visit the Port Moresby, Sogeri, Aiyura and Wawin National School of Excellence but did not get to visit Kerevat and Passam.

SDU Assistant Vice-President for International Affairs, Jon Stauff, said the purpose of the visit was concerning the 30 Papua New Guinean Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students that were currently studying various engineering courses at the university.

From the 43 PNG pioneer STEM students that got the scholarships and went for studies in US in Aug 15 of them are studying at the Nicholls State University while 30 at SDU.

Since these students are the first lot from PNG, we want to learn more about the country’s geographical settings, climatic conditions, cultural diversities and religions so that we could support them mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

We also want to know about the time-frame taken to process passports and visas so that we could be able to make convenient travel arrangements for the students in the future.

Also, to understand the PNG education curriculum so that we know the students’ learning pace.

Jon Stauff

SDU Dean and Professor Sanjeev Kumar said:

Once we know the students’ backgrounds, where they are coming from. I think we can do a better job serving them all.

We can equip them with skills and knowledge to become better engineers, scientists and thinkers so that they can come back and serve your country and make it a better place.

Kumar said like any freshmen that entered the university, the PNG students were doing great, adjusting and coping with the cultural change and learning environment.