Port Moresby based WNB students form union

Students from West New Britain based in tertiary institutions in Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) capital Port Moresby have formed a union to support each other, Post Courier reports.

The West New Britain Tertiary Students Union (WNBTSU) is set to be officially launched on the 26th of August and includes students enrolled at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), Don Bosco Technological Institute (DBTI), Port Moresby Technical College (POMTech), Mapex Training Institute (MTI), Sacred Heart Teachers’ College, IBS University (IBSU) and the Pacific Adventist University PAU).

The formation of the union was triggered after the killing of a student who was studying at the POMTech last year, according to union patron Gabriel Nangile.

Meanwhile the union president, Michael Reu, said it was important as elites of the province to establish relationship and networks for the benefit of the province and country.

As future leaders of our province, it is important that we get to know each other as educating elites of West New Britain, to establish connections and work together for the good of our province and country as a whole.

Michael Reu