FODE students receive study materials

The four week suspension of classes across the country will not have much effect on FODE (Flexible Open Distance Education) students’ learning, says an official.

Port Moresby FODE Center principal Anthony Rayappan told The National that they give the students study materials, they can study at home, at their own pace.

That’s one good thing that we see, even though schools are suspended and their learning is affected, the department and the schools are planning different strategies, how to cover their lost lessons, but FODE will not have much impact as long as we provide them with the proper study materials and proper advise on the courses they can continue to study during the four weeks of lock-down.

Anthony Rayappan, Port Moresby FODE Principal

Rayappan said FODE students did not have any tutorial programs.

He said the counter service would not be disrupted and students would still get the materials and study at home.

There won’t be any big gatherings.

There will be no tutorial taking place during these four weeks, but, however, our staff and support staff are working on providing counter service to students and their studies do not have any disruptions.


Rayappan said this year also saw an increase in the number of students with disability enrolling in the FODE Center, especially in Port Moresby.

A good number of them are in grade 11 and 9.

We have identified their capability and ability where they can cope up with subject and our officer have given them subjects to study.

Some of them are bright students.