Chief Justice Gibbs orders Sinebare to remain

Professor Musawe Sinebare

Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika has ordered for interim stay orders he issued last Friday for Professor Musawe Sinebare to remain as University of Goroka (UOG) Vice Chancellor until next Tuesday.

Sir Gibbs made this order after he considered the volatile situation caused by Dr Teng Waninga to the University of Goroka last Friday.

The Court also considered submissions by Prof Sinebare, through his lawyer Herbert Wally who told that he was currently in the process of signing degrees and diplomas for students in preparation for his graduating students, and that the change in the university’s vice chancellor at this time could affect this process.

Meanwhile, Sir Gibbs also ordered for more parties to join in a case questioning the legality of the appointment of Dr Waninga by Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (HERST) Wesley Raminai, through a published gazettal last week.

The latest party to join in this matter as of yesterday was the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) secretary Fr Jan Czuba.

The matter will return to court next Tuesday.