Pregnant teacher attacked by former partner

A pregnant secondary school teacher in Chimbu is recovering in hospital after surviving a vicious attack by her former partner on Monday.

Linda Perry, 25, who teaches business and computer studies at Kerowagi Secondary School, is three months pregnant. She is recovering at the Sir Joseph Nombri Memorial Hospital in Kundiawa after he ex partner attacked her in the school compound.

Attempts to get comments from Chimbu police commander Supt. Horim Piamia were unsuccessful.

The man who fled to Jiwaka after the attack was brought back by his relatives on Wednesday and handed over to the Kundiawa police who have remanded him.

The woman’s father, Perry Degeimba, said the former partner had previously threatened Linda and her current partner.

Degeimba said the man was drunk and waiting for her at the school’s gate as she was leaving for home. He said Linda was dragged into a banana garden where she was stabbed repeatedly.

He continued to stab her all over her back, head and armpits. She had nine deep wounds.

– Perry Degeimba, victim’s father

He said the man fled the scene afterwards leaving his daughter bleeding. Neighbors took her to Kerowagi Health Center. Kerowagi Secondary School principal Samuel Kono said Linda was transferred to the Sir John Nombri Memorial Hospital where she underwent emergency surgery.

Degeimba said the ex partner was jealous of his daughter and even fought with the new boyfriend.