GOROKA – The University of Goroka (UOG) will go into a 2 week lock-down starting today (Friday, October 1) and ending on Sunday, October 17.
According to a memorandum dated October 1, 2021 from the acting Vice Chancellor, Dr Teng Waninga, the decision for the course of acting was taken by the Special Academic Senate after a sharp rise in cases of COVID-19 at the university’s Goroka campus.
The memorandum also stated that 2 staff members were dead and a number of staff and students are currently in quarantine at the Isolation Center which is at capacity.

Earlier this year, the University of Technology in Lae, Morobe Province also experienced the deaths of a couple of senior academics from the same department on the same day as a result of the virus. This forced the university to take preventative action locking the institution down for two weeks.