USP Nauru Campus signs MOU with NORI

The University of the South Pacific (USP) and the Nauru Ocean Resources Inc. (NORI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to fund a science scholarship programme in 2022 for Year 11 students of Nauru Secondary School.

USP Vice Chancellor and President Professor Pal Ahluwalia with NORI in-country Manager Peter Jacob during the MOU signing.

The signing ceremony was held at the USP Nauru Campus on 18 October 2021 between the USP Vice Chancellor and President Professor Pal Ahluwalia and NORI in-country Manager Peter Jacob.

VCP Ahluwalia thanked NORI for its generous support towards the initiative and further acknowledged USP Nauru Campus Director Sarina Tamakin for their work.

This partnership is an important one for the campus as it brings the school and University closer together. In addition, it is more efficient and cheaper for the students to transition from the school to the campus because they can further their studies in their home environment. 

VCP Ahluwalia

He went on to say that the University was delighted to be a part of the effort since it would help the region meet its needs owing to a scarcity of people in science, technology, and engineering.

NORI in-country Manager, Peter Jacob said he was proud to be part of the historic signing that would fund preliminary and foundation science programs for 2022 and 2023. 

NORI also funds a diverse number of community projects with education as a major sector; there are shortfalls in our level of education especially in the areas of science and engineering which are identified in our National Sustainable Development Strategy as weaknesses that needs to be addressed. 

NORI in-country Manager, Peter Jacob

He added that NORI was excited to engage with Nauru and the USP Nauru Campus to expand their science support and activities.

Nauru Campus Director Sarina Tamakin said that was the first time the Campus had received funding support from an external organization. 

The funding will go towards investing in our children’s education through a science scholarship program for the students from Nauru Secondary School. 

Nauru Campus Director Sarina Tamakin

NORI annually awards science scholarships to undertake further studies at the USP Laucala Campus with the first recipient in 2013 graduating in Electrical Engineering.