NCD TVET 2022 Scholarship Program

To the students and parents of NCD, I wish to announce the TVET program roll out for 2022. It has indeed been an unceasing annual support from my office to all of our students in NCD and Motu Koita villages over the last 10 years, graduating over 30,000 students. This program has benefited mostly the unprivileged students who come from low socio-economic backgrounds and those who are not able to strive further in the limited main stream education system. It inclusively ensures a second chance in life for young people in the city so they are not seen as less fortunate or outcasts in our society.

Seeing the benefit of this program to our young people, we have ensured funding allocation annually for the continuity of this program. Two of our Open Electorates; Port Moresby South and North East have come onboard to partner with me in this program. We hope that the new MP for Port Moresby-North West will jump on bandwagon to partner in the program. The partnership enhances the reach -out by way of counter funding.

Since the program roll-out some 14 years ago, we have our equal share of successes and challenges. The success story is that many unfortunate young people have testimonies in areas of pursuing a career in private or public organizations or just being learned citizens to run little SMEs and managing their day to day livelihood. The challenge is that the program has become more institution oriented than students resulting in losing control and monitoring of students who have graduated out of this program.

Thus, for this year, we are delighted to engage a full-time contractor called Engaged Media Limited who will closely oversee the program and ensure we have a database of all students who benefited from the program, keep track of students to ensure they get value for money by completing their respective training and more importantly, the funds will be remitted to the respective training institutions in a controlled manner so the final outcome is attained. This is to ensure complete Accountability and Transparency for the purpose of sound audit outcome. They will also ensure marketing of our students including our old pass-out students to potential employers and arrangement of off-shore training for top performing students. This will be a merit-based approach so students can average by working and committing to their students.

I now formally announce that the TVET program for this year is official open and students are free to collect applications at the City Hall Annex starting: 27th January, 2022.

The criteria prior to be given an authenticated application form is as follows:

Selection Criteria

  1. Student must have completed their Grade 10 to Grade 12 from a school in NCD. The original school certificate and ID (School ID), passport or driver’s license ) will be mandatory requirement.
  2. You must have lived in NCD for more than 2 years to qualify for the program. Hence, your residential address must be filled in to verify your status with a reference letter from a church or community leader.
  3. A formal acceptance letter from the institution you wish to pursue your studies must be attached.
  4. A statutory declaration form must be filled to attest that all the attaching documents enlisted are genuine and true.
  5. An original application signed off with serial numbering will be issued upon provision of all the above requirements.

Fill in all the details of the application and submit to TVET Officers at the City Hall Annex.

Time Schedule

Application Opens27th January 2022
Application Closes4th March 2022
Processing of Applications7th – 25th March 2022
Payments to CommenceApril 2022

Please adhere to the instructions and do the necessary so you can be considered for the program.

For further information do not hesitate to conduct my officers responsible.

  1. Mrs. Michelle Albert : 7291 1949
  2. Mrs. Theresita Lomoi: 7947 6459
  3. Mr. Omprakash Seshadri (Engaged Media) : 7212 0009

Thank you.



    1. Hi Wilson,
      Blessed morning to you, Iam a parent of a daughter who had apply for the NCDC scholarship last year but was never accepted with the scholarships. I am a single mother who is struggling with the Education or for school fees for my Daughter. We have been living in Port Moresby for more than 4 years now. Iam more concern that daughters deserve good Education as they are should be given opprtunity to Education as Boys.
      Could you send me a copy of the application forms?
      Thanks a single mother’s perspective.

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