The Ministry of Higher Education Research Science and Technology is pleased to announce that the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) will be available in the academic year 2022 for tertiary undergraduate students in registered and recognized higher education institutions in Papua New Guinea.
The HELP is an initiative of the National Government of Papua New Guinea aiming to facilitate access to quality tertiary education. It aims to address the increasing number of students unable to access post-secondary education due to a lack of financial resources. It will provide for all eligible higher education students an income contingent loan with a zero-based interest and loan balances adjusted annually for inflation while offering flexible loan repayments commencing on productive employment.
HELP’s financial component will be delivered as a student-loan program to support students’ learning, teaching and research fees in accordance with Funding Agreement between HEI’s and Department of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology (DHERST). The Tertiary Education Scholarship Academic Scheme (TESAS), which is a scholarship awarded on academic merit, will also continue in 2022 complementing HELP.
The fundamental eligibility requirement for HELP is that students must be enrolled in a university or a college that is registered to DHERST and the academic programs they are studying have been reviewed and are accredited.
HELP Application Eligibility for Undergraduate Students
- Papua New Guinean citizen; and
- Applicant is a current enrolled student at a DHERST recognized HEI;
- Applicant is undertaking an accredited academic program; and
- HEI has signed Higher Education Student Support Institutional Participation and Funding Agreement.
Intending applicants for HELP are advised to express intention of applying through their respective higher education institution manually, by completing and submitting a HELP declaration form to your registrar and/or Student Data Officer on campus.
HELP is an inclusive initiative and will also extend to those students who are self-sponsored. The program also embraces students who have not completed secondary studies and wish to return to further their education in a registered higher education institution.
HELP Important Dates
Intending applicants for the Higher Education Loan Program for 2022 are advised to consult the link: to obtain more information about the application process, especially important dates about the HELP cycle in 2022. Find below the table with important dates for your perusal.
*Applications is made available to student once student is enrolled and registered at recognized institutions*

HELP Undergraduate Application Process

HELP Loan Amounts
The amount that students will receive from their HELP Loan depends on the type of registered higher education institute they are studying in and the qualification level of the accredited programme as outlined in the PNG National Qualification Framework.
The HELP loan amount is to cover cost for the current academic year only. Student’s applicants are strongly advised to apply only or the amount they need. HELP monies are non-refundable and any claims of reimbursement won’t be considered by DHERST.
Participating HEIs in 2022
There are 55 technical and higher education institutions that would participate in the Higher Education Loan Program current year, 2022.

DHERST wish to advise intending applicants of HELP that each technical and higher education institution have their own fee structures which are self-mandated and NOT the DHERST. Hence, all compulsory fees that are requested by the respective HEIs must be met before a student can opt for the HELP.
Endorsed by
Dr Francis Hualopmomi, PhD
Acting Secretary
Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology