The government is committed and will make sure the students are in school and learning materials are available.
Minister for Education Jimmy Uguro said that the plan is that no child is left behind and each child must reach basic compulsory education to up to grade 12.
He said it is the responsibility of the government to make sure that there are school materials available.
He said the government has been committed and has retired during the election period more than K315.999 million of the total K600 million.
However, he said there are still problem with schools that do not have text books as there were changes done to the curriculum, moving away from the outcome based to standard based education.
Mr Uguro said when responding to questions without notice from the Member for Newaeb Theo Pelgen in relations to shortage of students leading material in primary and elementary schools in his electorate.
Mr Pelgen said free education policy of the government that started from the Peter O’Neill government and then taken over by the Marape government is a fantastic government policy to help parents who cannot afford school fees.
He said it is an important policy intervention as the growth and prosperity of the nation depends much on education.
It’s a fantastic policy framework as we all want our child to be in school and be educated. But a visit to some of my round in the districts, I have realized that many of the elementary schools are running out of school learning materials.
Theo Pelgen, Member for Nawaeb