USP Virtual Open Days underway

The University of the South Pacific’s (USP) Virtual Open Days have gotten underway with a huge interest generated from students around Fiji and the Pacific region who are keen to learn more about the programmes and courses offered by the University.

To date, there are over 250 registrations with this number expected to grow as more prospective students register their participation. Tonga’s USP Open week is also being simultaneously held with this week’s sessions. 

A live chat widget on the USP website enables participants of the Virtual Open Days to freely chat with staff representing the various Schools at USP, including the School of Accounting Finance and Economics (SAFE); School of Business and Management (SBM); School of Information Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics (STEMP); School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Oceans, and Natural Sciences (SAGEONS); School of Law and Social Science (SoLaSS); School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education (SPACE), Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (PaCE-SD), and Pacific Technical and Further Education (Pacific TAFE) to have their queries answered instantly.

Other support sections were also at hand to answer questions relating to student support services ranging from the application process to accommodation, fees, scholarships, and library services. 

The University is encouraging not only students but anyone who wishes to upskill and reskill with USP to participate in the Virtual Open Days to register through this link

USP staff will be online to provide information on programmes and courses, student services, campus life and scholarships to name a few over the next few days. The Virtual Open Days end on Wednesday, 28 September 2022.

Last Friday, the University culminated its first face-to-face Open Day in two years with thousands of secondary school students flocking to the University’s campuses in Laucala, Lautoka and Labasa.