PILAG partners with research institute

Various researches into addressing public service and workspace to improve the quality of life will come into effect following an agreement signed yesterday.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the PNG National Research Institute’s director Dr Osborne Sanida and the Pacific Islands Leadership and Governance’ chief executive officer Michael Barobe yesterday.

This MOU reflects the mutual value both institution holds in terms of extension and strengthening of research and training for the general benefit of PNG.

The partnership focus signals collaboration into the key areas including; the service improvement Programs Challengers; public service policy and administrative reforms; effectiveness and efficiency of the public service machinery; workplace research through PILAG’s course participants; and research-informed training.

PNGNRI is glad to go into partnership with PILAG, which is mandated to train public servants in PNG in order for them to be effective and efficient in their roles and responsibilities.

Dr Sanida

Mr Barobe said the initiative is to collaborate, resource and improve the quality of life through public service.

It is basically to build research capacity which will see an extension of training programs and exchange programs taking place.

PILAG is the implementing Agency to the training programs.

Mr Barobe

The MOA is the government collaboration to meet the need and demand for the people.