Program helps youths in job searching skills

A program to help youths understand how to find jobs after Grade 12 is very helpful, according to a participant.

Port Moresby National High School Grade 12 student Vincent Hacca was thankful to have attended the project work pilot program as it had broadened his understanding and perspective of how to go about looking for jobs, and what is required.

He said the youth empowerment project is a very helpful project for students who have just completed their Grade 12.

The project’s purpose is to help youths find jobs after Grade 12, as not everyone goes directly into tertiary institutions after Grade 12, as we’ve seen throughout the years.


Hacca said he had planned to search for a part-time job while awaiting his results.

Volunteer project work facilitator Dawn Robinson they had 29 student participants from various schools with mentors being volunteers from Credit Corporation staff during this pilot project.

She said there were plans to increase the number of student participants next year.

To build their skills on applying for jobs through theory and practical program, interview techniques and tips and also how to budget their income.

Dawn Robinson

Credit Corporation chief executive Danny Robinson said participants would be at the company office learning the different parts of business for two weeks, receive their pay packets and reference letters.

He said they planned on having other companies participate in the internships and employment for experience and resume building for students next year.