NGO promotes sex education

Students at two schools in Daulo, Eastern Highlands province, have been introduced to sex education.

2-More Client Services, a Goroka-based non-government organization, delivered the program to Mando Lutheran Primary and Mando High schools last month.

Director Max Tinkena said sex education is as important as the academic curriculum taught in schools.

Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, are not only the health issues, but are also socio-economic issues.

Teenage and unwanted pregnancies are on the rise.

The young generations are vulnerable to sex-related issues which affect their educational progress.

When they drop out of school because of these issues, they feel they are unproductive and create more social issues in their communities.

We aim to highlight those consequences of sex to them when they are in their adolescence.

The earlier we highlight those consequences of sex to them, the earlier they are introduced to the knowledge about sex, the more they are well aware of it and the more informed decision they make.

And we have to do this because they engage in sex when we think they are still young.

Schools are the best avenues to highlight those issues.

Mr Tikena

Mr Tinkena said 2-More Services rolls out Early Comprehensive Sex Education programs in schools in the province.

He said they have developed their own action plans to roll out this program in all schools in the province, with funding assistance from development partners.

For more information, the 2-More Services can be reached on 737 29052 or via email: