Remote villagers in East New Britain undertake Commercial First Aid training

People from remote villages of Vunga and Avungi in the Inland Baining LLG of Gazelle District, East New Britain have acquired basic skills on community based health and first aid.

The week-long training was facilitated by the PNG Red Cross. Red Cross branch coordinator in ENB Steven Kilalang said there are two types of training tailored for the business houses and the community based.

Commercial First Aid, which usually runs for two days, is mainly for corporate organizations while for open audience is the Community Based Health and First Aid.

Steven Kilalang, PNG Red Cross ENB branch coordinator

The training is a component of the disaster risk reduction management.

Mr Kilalang said the training basically engages volunteers to be trained so they can help people in their communities when there’s an emergency.

The first aid training includes basic life support, bleeding management, general medical condition, fracture management, snake bite, lack of oxygen, burns and scalds and childbirth emergency.

The facilitators commended the participants as they were eager to learn, and from evaluation, all participants passed the 80 per cent requirement.

Vunga ward member Ulaias William said they are thankful for the training.

There are more than 700 people living in the two villages and with the poor access to basic services, it is always difficult for us.

We can now save lives from the basic life saving skills acquired today.

Ulaias William, Vunga ward member

The PNG Red Cross also facilitates trainings on climate change, water and sanitation, integrated vulnerability capacity assessment and disaster management.