Inaugural Bully Beef Seminar 2023

Theme: “Lead Organizational Culture”

The Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG) proudly announces its Bully Beef Seminar Series commencing on the 29th of November, 2023 and is calling for papers from interested individuals and organizations.

The Bully Beef Club name was given to the student group formed by late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare and his colleagues at the Administrative College, now SILAG. It began in the pre-independence days when these student leaders united to discuss the country’s self governance. Each meeting presided with the sharing of corned beef and biscuits, hence the name Bully Beef Club. Through the club, the team strategized and brought a fruition the attainment of self-governance, declaring PNG an independent state.

With a rich history coinciding with the birth of this country and the realization of PNG leaders, SILAG will revive the Bully Beef name to reflect its core business of leadership development and its endeavor as per government expectations to promote a high performance public sector in the country. The SILAG will host seminars to provide a platform for collaboration and networking with partners and stakeholders to promote research and information sharing towards building competent, ethical and capable public sector leaders and workforce.

Endowing the name Bully Beef Seminar Series, the inaugural seminar is scheduled for the 29th of November, 2023.

The Primary Purpose of the Seminar Series is to present and generate discussions to:

  • Address the competencies of senior public servants at leadership and management level in the tiers of the government (national, provincial and local);
  • Reflect on the job roles of public servants at the executive level who apply specialized skills and knowledge together with generic leadership and management skills in the Public Sector;
  • Assist public sector leaders to lead and manage effectively in a public sector environment;
  • Identify and address capacity gaps in public sector competency based training, and;
  • Promote good governance and ethical leadership.

The inaugural seminar presentation will be based on the theme: “Lead Organizational Culture”. SILAG is calling for papers from interested individuals in the academic arena as well as practitioners in the field to submit an abstract of no more than 205 word outlining your paper and its relevance to the theme and other areas stated above. The Abstract should be followed with a written paper and Power Point Presentation. The deadline for all submissions is on the 8th of November, 2023.

For more information, please contact;

  • Mr. George Micheal – Senior Research Officer, Learning Design Research and Innovation (LDRI)
    Contact Numbers: 341 7461 /7367 2834 /7564 3795
  • Mr Philip Kuso – Manager, Research & Compliance
    Contact: 7590 5884

Authorized by:

Michael Barobe
Chief Executive Officer