North Waghi District gives money to build university

The North Waghi District Development Authority (NWDDA) has given money to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG (ELCPNG) to build a university in Banz, according to Post Courier.

District MP, Benjamin Mul, presented a cheque of K223,000.00 to Reverend Jack Urame during the opening of the 19th National Women’s Conference and said he wanted a new Lutheran university to be build in the province. He said the money is to ensure that the project gets off the ground.

MP Mul said the existing Banz Bible College would be be converted into a university, and his district has already allocated K1 million for the work. He said the cheque presentation was a symbol of their partnership and for mobilization of the project.

Mul also acknowledged the work of the churches’ in the development of the country and wanted to see the partnership grow and bring more transformation.

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