Clarification on Recent Misinformation Published by Post-Courier

Papua New Guinea University of Natural Resources and Environment (PNG UNRE) would like to address the erroneous report published by the Post-Courier on October 9, 2024, titled “Parents Concerned Over Safety of Students After School Fight“. The article contains several inaccuracies that we wish to correct for the public record.

First and foremost, the incident described in the report did not occur on our campus in East New Britain (ENB). The individual named Lau Bonga, is not a registered student of PNG UNRE. Additionally, the acronym used in the article – UNARI – was incorrectly cited. The correct acronym is UNRE.

We are deeply concerned about the lack of verification by the Post-Courier reporter in this instance. At no point was our institution contacted to confirm the details, and the failure to verify the accuracy of the parents’ statements has resulted in misinformation disseminated to the public.

We would like to assure all students, their families and the general public that PNG UNRE prioritizes the safety and well-being of all its students. There are no ongoing safety concerns at our Vudal campus as suggested by the article. We maintain rigorous measures to ensure a secure and supportive learning environment for everyone.

We urge Post-Courier to correct this report and avoid spreading unverified information in the future. Responsible journalism is crucial to the integrity of our institutions and the public’s right to accurate information.

For any further details or clarifications, please contact the PNG UNRE Public Relations Office. Email: or phone: 987 1213

Authorized for release by:

Professor Aisak Pue, PhD
Vice Chancellor

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