Australia Awards PNG (AAPNG) is supporting PNG academics and university professional staff to participate in symposiums, conferences or workshops in Australia in their area of specialization. This support aims to strengthen linkages between PNG and Australian universities and to enhance the quality of academic programs and administrative systems at PNG universities.
Learning objectives:
The Professional Linkage Support will contribute to the strategic objectives of the recipient’s university by:
- participating PNG academics contributing to improving the quality of academic programs by applying specialist skills, knowledge and linkages gained in Australia to update course content and delivery approaches, and contribute to their own and their colleagues’ professional development
- participating PNG academics and professional staff contributing to enhanced organizational skills, knowledge and linkages gained in Australia to update policy, practice and institutional culture.
Applications now open
To be eligible you must:
- be a PNG citizen and be residing in PNG
- hold (or able to obtain) a PNG passport, valid for at least six (6) months after proposed dates of travel
- provide written approval and endorsement from their Head of Department and either Pro Vice Chancellor Academic or Vice Chancellor (or equivalent of these roles).
Application Requirements:
The proposed symposium, conference or workshop must be held in Australia and the applicant must be:
- teaching and accessing students at a university level qualification (Diploma or above) at a PNG university, college or institution
- a member of a university/college/institution Executive Leadership Team or Head of Department/Faculty including university library; or
- senior member of a university administration department and responsible for developing and implementing policies and systems
- actively undertaking research with a view to publish their findings.
Applicants are not permitted to submit multiple Professional Linkage Support applications in any one round. Applicants will only be eligible for one Professional Linkage Support in a twelve (12) month period.
Applications are strongly encouraged from women and people with disabilities.
Applications closing date: Monday, 18 November 2024.
For more information and how to apply: https://shorturl.at/5c7Vd
Email: linkagesupport@australiaawardspng.org
Telephone: 7373 3800 /321 1766