Education staff locked out

Department of Education staff occupying FinCorp Haus in Port Moresby are unlikely to enter their offices today after the building owner locked the doors late yesterday afternoon over K39 million in rental arrears.

A statement from the building owner, Grand Columbia, said all it needed from the Government, if it could not pay the amount in full, was an acceptable payment plan.

It suggests monthly installments of K10 million over four months or K5 million monthly over eight months, to keep the department’s offices opened.

The company has relayed this message to the Finance and Treasury departments, and the Government Office Allocation Committee (GOAC).

The company said if the government could not pay now, “an undertaking to pay in the future” would be accepted.

The FinCorp Haus was locked at 5pm yesterday.

Education Secretary, Dr Uke Kombra, said the Department of Finance was responsible.

Finance Secretary, Dr Ken Ngangan, could not contacted for comment yesterday.

The company said the last thing it wanted was to close the building.

But with no rent being received, the least the Government could do was make a payment plan. Only two months of rent had been paid in the past two years.

If we receive a settlement plan from Treasury and Finance departments to pay outstanding, we will ensure the building remains open.

Grand Columbia