Medical Society of PNG – Call for Papers

The Medical Society of Papua New Guinea (MSPNG) will be hosting its 56th Annual Medical Symposium in Port Moresby, NCD, from Sunday 10th to Thursday 15th September, 2022. The theme for this year is ICT in COVID 19 Pandemic Education and Research.


Registration Fee is K700 per person. Payments can be made directly into the Medical Society of Papua New Guinea Symposium Account.

Account Details
Account Name:Medical Society of Papua New Guinea Symposium Account
Bank:BSP, Boroko Banking Centre
Account Number:1002275525

MSPNG has launched its website and it is live now. Members of the society are expected to do their registration online by clicking this link MSPNG | Member Registration


The Medical Society invites Doctors, Health Workers, Medical Researchers, NGOs, Church Health Workers, Company Health Workers, Private Health Care Providers, Academics and any interested members of the public to submit papers relevant to the theme through email:

All abstracts (including authors & key words) are to be no more than 300 words (in MS Word). The scientific committee will review abstracts and you will be notified whether your abstract has been accepted or not after the deadline for submission has closed.

The closing date for Abstract submission is 16:06 hours 12th August, 2022.

Authorized By

Professor Nakapi Tefuarani, OL
President of Medical Society of Papua New Guinea