School offers comprehensive curriculum

Hela’s Komo High School is offering a comprehensive curriculum that includes literacy, agriculture, and life skills, giving importance to students’ academic and personal development.

Education director Ronny Angu said the school had taken this holistic approach to motivate students learning.

As a result, students are more engaged and motivated to learn.

The school is dedicated to providing equal opportunities to girls and boys, which has seen the number of female students increasing significantly.

The first graduating class of grade 10 would receive their certificate this year.

Mr Angu

Angu said that the school started off with an enrollment of 235 grade nine students and eight teachers in 2020.

He said that the education division was impressed with the school’s transformation and that it had become a thriving center despite the continuous tribal conflicts.

The school had since become a hub for community events and initiatives such as cultural festivals and workshops.

Angu also added that the Catholic diocese, the education division, ExxonMobil and its school leadership had been managing the school’s day-to-day operations which had contributed towards its success.

He said also that the Government had committed to replicating Komo’s model in other areas to promote education and economic growth in the province.

The provincial government oversaw the construction of the new classrooms and housing for the teachers and also provided the school with a new vehicle.

ExxonMobil had also started work on a computer laboratory and a science laboratory which should be completed anytime this year.

Mr Angu

Angu said the division was also partnering with the communities to provide support and resources.

He added that there were also plans to create a network of schools in the province that would include the same approach giving importance to students’ academic and personal development.

The success of the school had also inspired neighboring communities to set up their own schools.